Well hello my lovelies. I’ve decided to write this piece as re-election is coming up and I want to say a few words of my own about it. Without getting into statistics, facts, and numbers, what’s the difference between Barak Obama, Bill Clinton, and the Republican George W Bush JR.? Clinton and Bush were re-elected but I’m hearing different for Barak. Why? Why is it that some people are saying they aren’t voting for Barak? I believe we are still depicting the slave mentality we are supposedly rid of, no? I’ve heard plenty of Negros say “he hasn’t done anything for us” or
“I voted for a black president because I want to see change for us” I’ve also heard comments from other races that were pretty negative which I rather not get into as I don’t find it important. It all boils down to the typical behavior of America which is to be extra tough and very critical of a black man who’s doing his best. Well, has it ever occurred to you all that we are no longer in the time of slavery and discrimination? We are expecting to see a Malcolm X in the 21st century but we should know that we cannot bring the future back. Be reminded that Barak is half Caucasian and half Negro which means that he will work laws that will lean towards finding a happy medium for the races that are in constant war and the rest of the world. I just would like you all to look and think outside of the box for a change as things aren’t always what they seem to be. I don’t think we should cut positive history short because of a few disagreements in some of the decisions Barak have made. I think we should consider all possibilities and give Barak second term so he can finish some of what he started. I personally believe that things will start to rise during his second term because he spent so much of his first term cleaning up as much mess as he could. Please note that this all takes time and money. Just think about it and see what you come up with.
“I voted for a black president because I want to see change for us” I’ve also heard comments from other races that were pretty negative which I rather not get into as I don’t find it important. It all boils down to the typical behavior of America which is to be extra tough and very critical of a black man who’s doing his best. Well, has it ever occurred to you all that we are no longer in the time of slavery and discrimination? We are expecting to see a Malcolm X in the 21st century but we should know that we cannot bring the future back. Be reminded that Barak is half Caucasian and half Negro which means that he will work laws that will lean towards finding a happy medium for the races that are in constant war and the rest of the world. I just would like you all to look and think outside of the box for a change as things aren’t always what they seem to be. I don’t think we should cut positive history short because of a few disagreements in some of the decisions Barak have made. I think we should consider all possibilities and give Barak second term so he can finish some of what he started. I personally believe that things will start to rise during his second term because he spent so much of his first term cleaning up as much mess as he could. Please note that this all takes time and money. Just think about it and see what you come up with.
Good afternoon there TL. I would like to say that i love your response! Of course, if there are other candidates that may be better than Barak, then by all means, i will say we should take the better choice. I am just speaking for the people who say they aren't voting for him because they feel he has let them down. Like for instance, i have a quote from Puff Daddy which says: "I’d rather have a black president that was man enough to say that he was doing something for black people have one term than a president who played the politics game have two terms.” It is statements and remarks like this what does worry me. Also, if we are to go by qualifications then i would have to say that non of the presidents were qualified to be a president at the time they were running the country. Although experience is the best teacher, it is for those who chose to learn! I think some of the qualities needed to be a good president is being able to see the big picture, think outside of the box, make decisions that will benefit everyone, help those who are in need of help. A good president should be fair and should respect the opinions of all because all matter to some degree believe it or not. Now, in my opinion, this is the stand that Barak took, he chose to be fair and show that everybody matter. I love how he respectfully talk about the Republicans. I have never heard another president respectfully speak about the opposing party as Barak has. His chant was "Change" and "Yes We Can" I think if we remember what he stand for, we'll have a better understanding and respect for what he's doing and how he's going about doing it...