Saturday, April 9, 2011

Simply Amazing~

Amazing is being able to relax and enjoy peace of mind, not feeling the need to have your guard up and just levitate through life. Wonderful is to know you are surrounded by people who aren’t out to hurt, to ridicule, slander you, or kill your dreams. Incredible is being in the presence of people who understands exactly who you are without wanting you to change unless being who you are is against morals and or principles! Outstanding to know who you are, being true to who you are, and representing exactly what you believe! Mind-blowing is to know your true, exact essence while being humble with everything God and this Universe has blessed you with.  Breathtaking is to know all of the above and be the epitome of what I call levitation because you understand that no one on this earth validates you but the being you are closest to which is GOD and his Universe!  Knowing this all, you’ll understand that you mean that much to yourself and you will never place yourself in situations that are unsettling to your heart. The greatest love of all is to love yourself~

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