Friday, May 27, 2011

Life's Good~

Yeszir, as I would say from time to time. This entire week has been very exciting for me, I’ve had meetings after meetings, and productive phone calls after phone calls. Definitely, i am running in the direction I’ve pointed my arrow with no intentions of looking back because as that good ol’ saying goes “it’s not where you’re from it’s where you’re going”.Appointment times and dates were noted on a pink sticky note after each phone and stuck to the ledge of my computer desk. As appointments were fulfilled, I made sure the notes came down to make room for more. Huuuuum, this reminds me of working in an office I said to myself a few days ago but the difference is that I’m working from MY HOME office. Yesterday I went to BookExpo America which was held at the Jacob Javits Center to take pictures as my book was showcased. *all smiles*, within a year things will all start to pay off and will have more than come together. I have no worries about when things will come together because I know the only factor that stands between my dreams becoming a reality is time. Understand that once you’re putting in the work and being proactive, time is the actuality! Now, some people may say “well, it could happen in 5, 10, 15, or even 20 years, who knows” I say yes, that is correct but it can also happen the next day, week, month, or year. There is no minimum or maximum when it comes to time so grind hard and always be thinking of your next move. Keep dreaming and pushing towards your dream, let no one decide your future because you have to live with the decisions they made for you which will not be suitable for you. Love you guys~ :0)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Knowing Purpose and being Spiritual is Liberating~

Yes, this is absolutely true! Once you know what your purpose is you do not waste time with people or doing things which does not enlighten or help you to walk in your purpose. Life becomes easier because you no longer just exist and you now have reason to want to be alive. You understand you have a job to do and you are going to do it by any means necessary! Knowing purpose helps you to see the end result during each phase but you never see how you’ll get there. Having faith and decision will get you to where you need to go. But of course we cannot forget Spirituality. One will only know their purpose in life after becoming spiritual. Yes, being spiritual helps you to understand just exactly who you are and that is where and how you claim your “I AM”

Stop Running~

Never run from your problems! As hard as it may seem to face them, remember that the devil only target people who run. When you face him head on with the Holy Spirit, he will flee hence, you will realize that the problem isn't as bad as you thought it was~

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ladies, we are not better at cheating than men are!

I know some of you think we're slick and say we cheat and do not get caught like men do and men don't know when you cheat. Maybe he may not know if you cheat once but if you are repeatedly cheating on your man, he knows! You will act different no matter how much you try to be yourself. If he doesn't say anything it's because he do not care about you in the way you need him to. Men are territorial, that will never change and all men are the same when it comes to being territorial. No man will tolerate another man sleeping with his woman or his wife. Typically he will fix to leave because he is the only man who shall enter. This is a reality check! If you are a habitual cheater, chances are your husband or man doesn't care about you or he is only with you because he thinks that he cannot get better. If he thinks he cannot get someone to be with him like you are with him, it doesn't mean he loves you, it means that he doesn't want to be alone and will put up with your foolishness because at least, you are still there. Again, it has absolutely nothing to do with caring about you. I think all women need to learn the orders, ethics, and balance of life and relationships with men. Trust me that is the saddest place for any woman to be because we like to know we are held high in the minds of our men. We like to know he’s our protector, comforter, and defender. A man will move mountains and then some for the woman he loves but she cannot be a cheater. If you have freedom to run like that, it is because he doesn't give two cents about you. This is some food for thought and nourishment for your soul, take heed~

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Phenomenal Woman~

Passionate, loving, kind, short-tempered, take no shorts, assertive, willing, know what I want and what I need, confident, loves to meet & greet, call it like I see it, say it how it is, blunt, my honesty can be unintentionally brutal, love to teach, love to learn, can talk about anything, will knock somebody out if I need to, well spoken, speak over people at times, gives the benefit of the doubt, has allot of love to give and want to receive allot of love, Loves love, complex, considerate, courageous, loves animals, spiritual, master of my universe, believe in God, see the bigger picture, sensitive, warm, know my purpose, look for a better way, problem solver, love to make life easy, comforter, easy to cry, emotional, honest, loyal, represent what I believe, stand for the cause, righteous, proud, reserved, very analytical, wise, sexy, observant, persistent, inspiring, love to please, think outside the box, versatile, achiever, successful, intellectual, champion, above competition, love to laugh, playful, love to cook, love to eat, love to decorate, love to travel, my way or the highway, flexible, knows why and how, want to be liked & accepted, and has zero tolerance for non-sense.  Do you recognize me?

Friday, May 13, 2011

You are not Mr. or Mrs. Fix it, stop being a people pleaser!

Is this who i am? Wow, at the age of 34 I just learned that I am addicted to acceptance and approval!  I saw Dr. Phil tell Sarah Ferguson on Oprah a few days ago that she’s like an addict, addicted to acceptance and approval. She never felt loved as a child, always wanted her mom to tell her she love her, and her dad often told her to stop acting like a sheep’s ass. So given that Sarah was a girl that looked to be loved and accepted Dr. Phil advised her that she would do anything to get approval, including placing herself around people who are clearly not for her best interest. Hearing him tell her this made me say hummmm, and I tilted my head to the side. I said to myself “it all makes sense” I always wondered why people attempt to take advantage of me or mistreat me. I always asked myself “what did I do?” or “did I do something wrong?” Sarah said the same thing. I think she also had problems with knowing her self-worth. I know my self-worth but could never understand why I always ended up in the same pattern of second guessing and questioning myself and at the same time witnessing how others enjoy taking advantage of the situation. Sometimes they put on extra attitude to help me convict myself or sometimes I’m deliberately over looked. I've never been a follower nor did i try to fit in but like everyone else, i want to be accepted and liked.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy more than Mother's Day~

This is a special day for all of you whom embraced your natural instinct to nurture. I know it is one of the most amazing feelings to know you could co-create such thing as LIFE, your heart beats with all kinds of feelings about this experience and your responsibility. You become a person who, no longer think about yourself, you take on the responsibility as a co-creator and you allow your natural instinct to take over. Sometimes you get lost in being the co-creator which is taking on all types of roles you never knew one person can have. You’re the wife, cook, cleaner, care-giver, healer, teacher, punisher, lover, driver, shopper, hair-stylist, dentist, doctor, nutritionist, dish washer, clothes washer, home décor, auditor, psychic, DJ, party planner, and a heroine. You are everyone! Each power comes out for the respective situation only, it is amazing how one being becomes several only during the time of need without thinking anything of it. Often, you are taken for granted but love keeps you doing the things you do while you tell yourself they will someday realize what I am doing for them. Sometimes, you feel weary and you cry but you don’t let your children be witness because mommy’s their heroine! You’re the happy wife who greets her husband at the door with a big smile and a hug after you’ve dealt with a hectic day but the lover in you must make sure your husband’s evening is relaxing. You, the nurturer, are all things and this one day can’t begin to be enough appreciation for all that you’ve done but it’s a small token of gratitude. Happy Mother’s Day to you all~

Monday, May 2, 2011

There is no such thing as caring too much~

There is no such thing as caring too much but there is such thing as not realizing you have the power to stop caring. In life we come across all kinds of obstacles, and circumstances because that is inevitable but, what exactly is it that makes a person say enough is enough? Is it because you think you’re too good to take foolishness, or is it because you do not care to work on getting someone to understand how they are and how they make you feel? Is it because the person is completely selfish and want things to go their way? Or is it because you’ve completely given that person enough chances to get their act together? Well the truth is that too many people worry about being taken for a fool or wanting to be the one to take others for a fool. Let’s try it God’s way. Let’s love freely and express your feelings because there is nothing foolish about love and being able to love hard doesn’t make you stupid. What makes you stupid is not realizing that you have the power to stop the foolishness or anything that makes you completely unhappy. Being loving did not make you unhappy, in fact, you were overly happy to give love. Let’s not put a bad brand on great qualities, put the brand on the fact that the person just didn’t know how to appreciate your love or maybe they didn’t think they were worthy of your love. Put the bad brand on the fact that some people just don’t know how to be genuine, respect, or truly appreciate a genuine person. In fact, instead of putting yourself down, feel pity for the fact that this person may never know what love is. Feel good about yourself, give love, and be free~  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Submission Package~

Gentlemen, a woman can’t respect you if she does not trust you and women don’t submit to men they do not respect or trust. Understand that there is plenty of power in submission for both sexes! The man that can get his woman to submit is KING of man and the woman who submits to her man knows that he is KING but she is completely confident in him. In order for a man to be crowned King and have a submissive woman, she have to know that he will never take advantage of her, hurt her, lie to her, cheat on her, or beat her. She knows that he respects her, loves her, look for her advice, wants her, and worships the ground she walks on. Women are naturally naïve and easy to persuade because GOD made us this way, that is a part of the submission package. So be clear that if you are with a woman you cannot get to submit to you and or drop her nasty attitude. That is a reflection of how she feels about you subconsciously. Women were made as companions and to submit to men but the man must be walking in GOD’s light. See, it all goes back to scriptures in the bible, you can’t expect a biblical life if you do not follow protocol.